Friday 17 July 2015

Planning Applications 10 and 17 July 2015

Application for two more houses on land washed over by Green Belt, the other 10 were replacing a disused car showroom and were welcome, not so sure about these though especially the likely impact on the neighbouring hairdressers.

List of New Planning Applications Published 17.07.2015

App No :     15/00661/FUL
Map Ref:    353099 E , 415614 N
Case Officer:   Mr Iain Crossland
Tele:    01257 515903

Ward:              Chisnall
Date Valid:     13 July 2015
Proposal:        Erection of two semi-detached two storey dwellings with associated car parking
Location:        Car Park Adjacent To 48 Wood Lane Heskin

Applicant:       Mr David Marsden c
Agent: Warwick Construction (NW) Ltd 5-7, Lawrence Lane Eccleston Chorley PR7 5SJ

List of New Planning Applications Published 10.07.2015

App No :     15/00606/FUL
Map Ref:    355722 E , 415256 N
Case Officer:   Mr Iain Crossland
Tele:    01257 515903

Ward:              Chisnall
Date Valid:     26 June 2015
Proposal:        Section 73 application to vary condition 15 (approved plans) attached to planning approval 10/00298/FUL
Location:        69 Charter Lane Charnock Richard

Applicant:       Mr Daryl Melling The New Mill Lodge 58A Mill Lane Coppull Chorley PR7 5AN

Agent: LMP Ltd. 213 Preston Road Whittle-le-Woods Chorley PR6 7PS

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