Friday 24 July 2015

Chisnall Planning Applications published today

Approvals on Withington Lane, which is washed over by Green Belt, are mixed, some approved, some not.

List of New Planning Applications Published 24.07.2015

App No :     15/00683/DIS Case Officer: Adele Hayes
Map Ref:    353131 E , 415593 N Tele: 01257 515228

Ward: Chisnall
Date Valid: 13 July 2015
Proposal: Application to discharge conditions numbered 1 (time limit for submission of reserved matters), 2 (details of reserved matters), 3 (boundary treatments), 4 (surface water regulation), 5 (samples of materials), 6 (site access & highway improvement works), 9 (ground contamination) & 12 (parking provision for contractors) attached to outline planning permission 13/00365/OUT
Location: H W Moon Ltd 56 Wood Lane Heskin Chorley PR7 5NU

Applicant: Warwick Construction (NW) Ltd 5-7, Lawrence Lane Eccleston Chorley Lancashire PR7 5SJ
Agent: Warwick Construction (NW) Ltd 5-7, Lawrence Lane Eccleston Chorley Lancashire PR7 5SJ

App No :     15/00684/DIS Case Officer: Adele Hayes
Map Ref:    353131 E , 415593 N Tele: 01257 515228

Ward: Chisnall
Date Valid: 13 July 2015
Proposal: Application to discharge conditions numbered 8 (estate phasing & completion), 10 (management & maintenance of streets), 11 (streets for adoption), 13 (construction plan) & 14 (site access & highway improvement works) attached to reserved matters consent 15/00281/REM
Location: H W Moon Ltd 56 Wood Lane Heskin Chorley PR7 5NU

Applicant: Agent: Warwick Construction (NW) Ltd 5-7, Lawrence Lane Eccleston Chorley  PR7 5SJ

App No :     15/00685/DIS Case Officer: Adele Hayes
Map Ref:    353131 E , 415593 N Tele: 01257 515228

Ward: Chisnall
Date Valid: 13 July 2015
Proposal: Application to discharge conditions numbered 9 (estate phasing & completion), 11 (management & maintenance of streets), 12 (streets for adoption), 14 (construction plan), 15 (site access & highway improvement works), 17 (ground contamination), 18 (samples of materials), 19 (surface water regulation), 20 (dwelling emission rate) & 21 (dwelling emission rate) attached to planning permission 15/00282/FUL
Location: H W Moon Ltd 56 Wood Lane Heskin Chorley PR7 5NU

Agent: Warwick Construction (NW) Ltd 5-7, Lawrence Lane Eccleston Chorley PR7 5SJ

App No :     15/00699/FUL Case Officer: James Appleton
Map Ref:    353187 E , 414997 N Tele: 01257 515230

Ward: Chisnall
Date Valid: 14 July 2015
Proposal: Erection of extension to side dormer
Location: 1 Withington Lane Heskin Chorley PR7 5LU

Applicant: Mr & Mrs Welsh 1 Withington Lane Heskin Lancashire PR7 5LU
Agent: CW Planning Solutions Ltd. 1 Reeveswood Eccleston Chorley Lancashire PR7 5RS

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