Monday 29 July 2013

Demolition of 42 Chorley Lane Charnock Richard and Development of 8 Houses on Land Behind

List of New Planning Applications Published 12 July 2013

App No:           13/00600/FUL          
Case Officer:   Caron Taylor
Map Ref:         356040 E , 415575 N           
Tele:                01257 515222

Ward:               Chisnall
Date Valid:      1 July 2013
Proposal:         Demolition of 42 Chorley Lane and former nursery buildings and the erection of 8 dwellings, access road and associated development
Location:         Land 60M North To The Rear Of 34-42 And Including 42 Chorley Lane Charnock Richard

Applicant:        Thomas Mawdsley Building Contractor Towngate Works Dark Lane Mawdesley Ormskirk L40 2QU

Agent:             Steven Abbott Associates LLP Broadsword House 2 Stonecrop North Quarry Business Park Appley Bridge Wigan WN6 9DL

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