Monday 29 July 2013

Delegated Decisions between 28 June and 25 July

List of Applications Determined by the Director of Partnerships, Planning and Policy under Delegated Powers between 28 June and 25 July 2013

Plan Ref.:                    13/00521/MNMA     
Date Received:           07 June 2013
Decision:                     Minor Non-Material Amendment Accepted
Ward:                           Chisnall          
Date Decided:             08 July 2013             

Proposal:                     Single storey front extension and single storey rear extension (Alterations to window and door openings in front extension)
Location:                     40 Bogburn Lane, Coppull, Chorley, PR7 5JF
Applicant:                    Ms Z Bamford, 40 Bogburn Lane, Coppull, Chorley, PR7 5JF

Plan Ref.:                    13/00536/FUL          
Date Received:           12 June 2013
Decision:                     Permit Full Planning Permission
Ward:                           Chisnall          
Date Decided:             18 July 2013             

Proposal:                     Part two storey, part single storey side/rear extension, two front dormers and detached double garage (resubmission of application 13/00309/FUL)
Location:                     2 Neargates, Charnock Richard, Chorley, PR7 5EY
Applicant:                    Mr J Cheetham

Plan Ref.:                    13/00524/FUL          
Date Received:           07 June 2013
Decision:                     Permit Full Planning Permission
Ward:                           Chisnall          
Date Decided:             22 July 2013             

Proposal:                     Erection of a new building over the existing midden and feed yard.
Location:                     Haydock Farm, Preston Road, Charnock Richard, Chorley, Lancashire, PR7 5HR

Applicant:                    Mr Taylor, Haydock Farm, Preston Road, Charnock Richard, Chorley, Lancashire, PR7 5HR

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