Tuesday 26 February 2013

New Chisnall Ward Planning Applications Published 22 February 2013

New Chisnall Ward Planning Applications Published 22 February 2013

App No.:         13/00135/MNMA    
Map Ref.:        355431 E, 414238 N
Case Officer:   Mr David Stirzaker
Tele:                01257 515223

Date Valid:     21 February 2013

Application for a minor non-material amendment to allow changes to the plans approved under permission 11/00889/FUL (which was for a reduction in size of barn and conversion to 2 no. stables for private use and animal shelter and formation of sand paddock) comprising changing a stable door to a window in the south elevation, enlargement of a window in the north elevation, internal alterations to form 2 no. informal animal shelters and a feed store

Location:        Land 60M North Of 31 Preston Road Charnock Richard

Applicant:       Mrs Margaret Stewart, 31 Preston Road, Coppull, Chorley, PR7 5HS
Agent:             Mr Roger Latham, 21 Stonyhurst, Chorley, PR7 3NR

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