Wednesday 6 February 2013

New Chisnall Ward Planning Applications Published 1st February 2013

New Chisnall Ward Planning Applications Published 1st February 2013


App No.:          13/00037/FUL
Map Ref.:        353117 E, 415312 N
Case Officer:   Mrs Helen Lowe
Tele:                01257 515797

Date Valid:      28 January 2013
Proposal:         Application for variation of Condition 4 of planning approval 10/00444/FUL
Location:         Stables 40M South West Of Horsemans Barn, Wood Lane, Heskin

Applicant:        Mrs Georgina Fellows, Oak Villa, 2 Bannister Green, Heskin, PR7 5PL

App No.:          13/00065/FUL
Map Ref.:        353117 E, 415312 N
Case Officer:   Mrs Helen Lowe
Tele:                01257 515797

Date Valid:      28 January 2013
Proposal:         Application for variation of Condition 4 of planning approval 02/00074/FUL
Location:         Stables 40M South West Of Horsemans Barn, Wood Lane, Heskin

Applicant:        Mrs Georgina Fellows, Oak Villa, 2 Bannister Green, Heskin, PR7 5PL

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