Friday 13 March 2015

Chisnall planning applications 27 February and 6 March

List of New Planning Applications Published  27.02.2015

App No :     15/00153/DIS

Case Officer:

Caron Taylor
Map Ref:    356040 E , 415575 N
01257 515222

Ward :              Chisnall
Date Valid:       17 February 2015
Proposal:         Application to discharge conditions 2 (external materials), 3 (Design Stage Assessment), 4 (carbon reduction statement), 5 (parking for contractors and visitors), 6 (hard ground surfacing materials), 8 (foul and surface water drainage), 15 (contamination report), 17 (fences and walls), 18 (pre-cautionary bat survey), 21 (habitat/landscape plan) and 25 (plots 1-4 land drainage) of planning approval ref: 13/00600/FUL (which was for demolition of 42 Chorley Lane and former nursery buildings and the erection of 8 dwellings, access road and associated development).
Location:         Land 60M North To The Rear Of 34-42 And Including 42 Chorley Lane Charnock Richard

Agent:              LMP Ltd 213 Preston Road Whittle Le Woods Chorley PR6 7PS

List of New Planning Applications Published 06.03.2015

App No :     15/00185/FUL
Case Officer:
James Appleton
Map Ref:    355967 E , 415475 N
01257 515230

Ward:               Chisnall
Date Valid:       26 February 2015
Proposal:         Re submission of planning application: 14/00281/FUL. Single storey rear extension
Location:         62 Chorley Lane Charnock Richard Chorley PR7 5ES

Applicant:        Mr Paul Taylor 62 Chorley Lane Charnock Richard Chorley PR7 5ES

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