Monday 17 June 2013

Planning Applications Determined under Delegated Powers 1-13 June 2013

List of Applications Determined by the Director of Partnerships, Planning and Policy under Delegated Powers,Between 1 June and 13 June 2013


Plan Ref.:13/00236/FUL

Date Received:12.03.2013

Decision:Refuse Full Planning Permission

Date Decided:13.06.2013



Removal of rear conservatory & erection of a first floor side extension, part two storey part single storey rear extension.



4 Yew Tree Villas, Preston Road, Charnock Richard, Chorley,PR7 5LF



Mr Mike Bamber, Yew Tree Villas, Preston Road, CharnockRichard, Chorley, PR7 5LF

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