Tuesday 9 April 2013

Latest Chisnall Planning Approvals 9 April 2013

Planning Applications Determined by the Director of Partnerships, Planning and Policy and Chair and Vice Chair of the Development Control Committee on 12 March 2013 and issued following expiry of consultation periods

13/00037/FUL                      Permit Full Planning Permission
Stables 40M South West Of Horsemans Barn Wood Lane Heskin 
Application for variation of Condition 4 of planning approval 10/00444/FUL

13/00065/FUL                      Permit Full Planning Permission
Stables 40M South West Of Horsemans Barn Wood Lane Heskin 
Application for variation of Condition 4 of planning approval 02/00074/FUL

List of Applications Determined by the Director of Partnerships, Planning and Policy Under Delegated Powers, Between 21 March 2013 and 4 April 2013

Plan Ref.:                   12/01193/FUL         
Date Received:           07.12.2012   
Decision:                    Permit Full Planning Permission
Date Decided:            2 April 2013              

Proposal:        Erection of side porch and first floor side extension.
Location:        270 Preston Road, Coppull, Chorley, PR7 5EB
Applicant:       Mr David Roberts, 270 Preston Road, Coppull, Chorley, Lancashire

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