Friday 16 November 2012

Latest Chisnall Applications and delegated decisions at 16 November 2012

List of Applications Determined by the Director of Partnerships, Planning and Policy Under Delegated Powers Between 2 November and 15 November 2012

Plan Ref.:                   12/00771/FUL
Date Received:           01.08.2012
Decision:                    Permit Full Planning Permission
Date Decided:            07.11.2012               

Demolition of existing house and erection of a new replacement dwelling, detached garage and formation of new vehicular access

94 Chorley Lane Charnock Richard Chorley PR7 5HB

J B Loughlin (Contractors) Ltd 41 Highfield Industrial Estate Chorley Lancs PR7 1QD


List of New Planning Applications Published 16 November 2012

App No.:         12/01086/FUL         
Map Ref:         354203 E, 416899 N
Case Officer:   Mr Matthew Banks
Tele:                01257 515230
Date Valid:     12 November 2012

Demolition of existing single storey rear extension and erection of two storey rear extension.

Worsley Farm Back Lane Charnock Richard Chorley PR7 5JY

Mr Gerard Woods Worsley Farm Back Lane Charnock Richard Chorley PR7 5JY

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