Friday 19 October 2012

Chisnall Planning Applications Determined by the Director of Partnerships, Planning and Policy under Delegated Powers 5 October 2012 and 18 October 2012

Chisnall Planning Applications Determined by the Director of Partnerships, Planning and Policy under Delegated Powers

Between 5 October 2012 and 18 October 2012

Plan Ref.:                   12/00805/FUL         
Date Received:           13.08.2012   

Decision:                    Permit Full Planning Permission
Date Decided:            09.10.2012               

Proposal:        Erection of extension to conservatory
Location:        327A Wood Lane, Heskin, Lancashire, PR7 5NT
Applicant:       Mrs Anne Males, 327A Wood Lane, Heskin, Lancashire, PR7 5NT

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