Saturday 19 September 2015

Chisnall Planning 4 September 2015

List of New Planning Applications Published 04/09/2015
Please note you will not be informed directly of the outcome of application decisions. You can track the progress of applications at:

App No :     15/00863/OUT

Case Officer:

Caron Taylor
Map Ref:    355628 E , 415473 N
01257 515222

Ward :              Chisnall

Date Valid:       27 August 2015

Proposal:         Outline application for the erection of 2 no. two storey dwellings, specifying access (renewal of the planning permission 10/00093/OUT)

Location:         27 Charter Lane Charnock Richard Chorley PR7 5LZ


Applicant:        Peter E Gilkes & Co 44 Market Street Chorley PR7 2SE