Tuesday 13 August 2013

Delegated decisions 26 July - 8 August 2013

Chisnall Ward Planning Applications Determined by the Director of Partnerships, Planning and Policy under Delegated Powers between 26 July and 8 August 2013


Plan Ref.:13/00321/FUL

Date Received:05 April 2013

Decision:Refuse Full Planning Permission

Date Decided:29 July 2013

Proposal:Retrospective application for the siting of a static caravan for use as an office (B1 use) in connection with fence and drain company on site.

Location:Lancaster House Farm, Preston Road,Charnock Richard, Chorley, PR7 5LE

Applicant:Fence & Drain Ltd., Meadfield, 239 Preston Road, Coppull, Chorley, PR7 5DS